Time Capsule

Have you ever heard of a time capsule or a memory box?

A time capsule or memory box is a container or special box that holds present day items, such as photos, newspapers, letters, pictures and more. It’s typically hidden away for your future. So in a few years you can open it back up and see what items you put in it. This is perfect as a gift to yourself for the future.

Would you like to make your own time capsule or memory box? Maybe you can share one with a sibling!

Here is a 5 minute video clip of Peppa Pig explaining the time capsule.

Many people will make a hole in their garden and place their time capsule or memory box deep in the hole and then cover it up. But there are many places you can store it – the basement, garage, shed, attic etc.

What is special about your own time capsule, is that you can make it however you like and put whatever items you want to. You probably wouldn’t want to put in a special toy, but you can always take photos of your favorite things and put those in the box.

The first thing that you need to do is to find a special container or box, it will need some kind of lid or cover. You can use stickers, markers, craft materials etc to decorate your box. Maybe you can write your name on the outside of the box.

Now it is time to think about items that you want to put in your box. I have attached a list of some time capsule ideas, but you can use whatever you feel is important and special to you.
You can take as much time as you need to find the items you want to put in.

Once you have decorated your container and put all of your items in, it is now time to think about where you want to put your time capsule. Maybe you can ask a family member to help you find a place to put it. Try and find a hidden place where it can stay for many years!

Finally a short book – all about yourself. I have attached a book outline with questions and answers, but you can make your own book and write about whatever you like.

Posted in At Home, Early Childhood, Orange Room, Pre-schoolers, STEM.