Caterpillar Update!

Update on the caterpillars! I have transferred them to the netting! They will stay in here for a few more days, tucked into a chrysalis. Hopefully they will emerge into butterflies soon!

My Owl Neighbor!

I took a few pictures of some of the cool things I spotted around my house in the last few days! We have been keeping an eye on the owl and discovered two owlets in the tree too! Have you observed anything cool in your neighborhood? Posted by Sara – Orange Room

Time Capsule

Have you ever heard of a time capsule or a memory box? A time capsule or memory box is a container or special box that holds present day items, such as photos, newspapers, letters, pictures and more. It’s typically hidden away for your future. So in a few years you can open it back up […]

Lima Beans on the Move!

We hope you are enjoying the long weekend! I noticed over the weekend that my lima bean has sprouted some leaves! This means that my lima bean is ready to be transferred to soil. I am transferring my bean into a pot to keep indoors for now because I need to clear a space outside […]