Make Marbled Gift Wrap

No gifts to give? You can also create marbled paper to collage with à la Eric Carle!

Materials Needed: 

  • Computer paper
  • Shaving cream
  • Food coloring
  • Fork
  • Shallow pan large enough for your paper
  • Paper towels 


  1. Using a spoon, spread a thin layer of shaving cream around the bottom of the pan. All you need is a shallow coating.
  2. Dot the surface of the shaving cream with food coloring.
  3. Run the tines of a fork through the colors in a wavy fashion. Try not swirling your colors or else they will run together. 
  4. Lay your paper on top of the colored layer in the pan. Smooth the paper out of over the shaving cream. 
  5. Wait thirty seconds.
  6. Remove the paper and wipe the shaving cream off with a dry paper towel. If you do this carefully, none of your colors will run or be distorted. 
  7. Allow your paper to dry. If it curls you can have an adult iron it flat using low heat. 
  8. Now you can wrap gifts with your own decorated wrapping paper!

To learn more about the science behind this art project, check out!
To learn more about Eric Carle’s art, check out the Carle Museum’s website.

Activity by John Bradley, Floating Teacher
Photo Credit & Inspiration:

Posted in Activities, After School, Art, At Home, Fiske, STEM.