Cardboard Creation Challenge! 

What arcade/carnival/board game can you make with recyclable materials around your home?? With a grown-up you can check out a whole bunch of examples here. Create your game anytime or before Monday 3/30 at 3 p.m. to share your creations on Zoom!

Materials Needed:

▪ recyclable materials you find around the house (cardboard boxes, plastic yogurt containers, plastic bottles, and more)

▪ various building supplies (scissors, masking/duct tape, glue, Sharpies, markers, etc.)

▪ bouncy balls, bean bags, or any other game pieces you might need


  1. Look online with a grown-up for some inspiration. Some ideas include: a skeeball game, mini basketball game, claw machine, maze, bean bag target board, ring toss, and mini golf course.
  2. Draw a picture of your idea, write a plan, gather your supplies, and get to work!

Note: Have your grown-up help you cut, tape, or glue any materials if you’re having a hard time doing it on your own.

This activity will be led by the Fiske & Schofield ASP Teams, Enjoy!

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