Make Your Own Pop-Up Book
Join us for this fun activity!
DIY Musical Instruments: Hand Drum
Make music with this neat homemade hand drum!
Make Your Own Puzzle
Here are some simple steps to make your own puzzle!
Are you up for a Lego Challenge?
The idea of this challenge is to draw cards with specific tasks on them. Then you can either race or compare finished creations at the end of a certain time.
Play Sticky Note Wall Bop
This is a fun game that kids can play either on their own with a family member!
Play Nature Memory
This is a fun variation of the Memory Game that is played outdoors!
Make a Spinning Top Using Cardboard and Marbles
Objective: To make a top that spins well!
Create a Mini Launcher
Send items soaring with a homemade launcher! This great activity promotes a creative problem-solving mindset for children.
Build a Straw Structure
This hands-on project allows kids to experiment with principles of engineering