Challenge Yourself with an Oversized Memory Game

The oversized memory game is just like the traditional version, only bigger. Plus, you get to come up with what pictures to put on them.

We love the giant-sized version of this classic memory game. It’s a great way to add an element of exercise to something that builds brain-power! It’s for one or more children (and of course parents can play too)!

Take at least 10 sheets of paper, draw matching numbers, pictures or symbols on each half, and cut them down the middle. Place them outside, face down, and take turns guessing and matching them up. We recommend increasing the number of sheets if there are more players.


  1. You will first need to determine how to make the pictures. You can make the cards together or you can divide them up.  For instance, if you have 3 people playing you could play with 18 sheets (or cards) and each person would make 6 sheets. They would then each come up with three different objects to draw on their sheets (there should be two of the each sheet).

  2. It doesn’t matter if the children know what each other’s objects are. However you need to make sure that they aren’t drawing the same thing. So you should have them come up with what they are going to draw first to avoid any duplicates. This is where the child can use their creativity. They can draw their favorite superheroes, sports stars, animals or even Pokémon. It’s entirely up to them (I would encourage them to take their time with this so the activity takes up more time and keeps them focused). Just remind them that they need to make 2 of each so they can match them up.

  3. After all drawings have been completed they should be placed face down and mixed up so they are out of order. Then you may start spreading them out accordingly so it looks like the picture provided above.

  4. This can be done inside or outside on a deck, in a garage, or whatever space is most accessible. You may have children take turns on who spreads them out each time. You may increase/decrease the amount of pictures depending on how many people you have playing. You can also adjust the size of the paper to fit the area your using. Making these activities work for you is what’s important.

  5. Once sheets are set up you can draw names to determine the order in which everyone goes. Each child gets a chance to make a match. Their turn lasts as long as they keep matching correctly. Once they don’t match then it’s the next persons turn. Whenever the wrong items are flipped up they should be flipped back down as they were before. There are no teams so nobody should be helping each other. This continues until all sheets have been matched. Whichever child matches the most number of pictures wins. You can play one game at a time or best 2 out of 3, whatever works best for your group.

  6. Lastly you can keep these pictures to reuse over time, while also adding to them over time. That way, you’re not wasting paper and also keeping the game fresh by adding new pictures.

Activity by Dan Finucane, Floating Site Coordinator

Photo Credit:

Posted in Activities, After School, Art, At Home, Games.